
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Decorating for Christmas

So I have been away....TOO LONG.  I'm going to try to be better in this coming year.  So anyway I'm starting to decorate for Christmas these pictures are from my craft room, which isn't difficult to decorate because I just have to pepper in some decorations with my already very fun vintage decor.  The vintage Christmas ornament boxes and ornaments came from an awesome find at a thrift store over the weekend.  I'm in love with them because they remind me of my great grandparents.  My mom had a few of their ornaments when I was younger but after many many years they have slowly disappeared.  So I just started my own collection. But because of my 1 year old nephew I felt they would be safer in bowls in my craft room up high where I knew his little hands wouldn't get them.  Better safe then sorry.  This has inspired me... I think I will be going to more thrift shops and antique shops in search of holiday decor in the near future.   

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