Monday, April 5, 2010
Creative Genius
Well I don't know if you can tell what this is so I will explain. Before the party I had an ah-ha moment. Cara, her cousin and I were shopping at target and we were looking at the headbands that I always want to buy but convince myself not to because to me they are kind of expensive. So I had my paper roses on the brain and I have been thinking of what to do with them and then it hit me. We walked to the health and beauty department where we found inexpensive comfortable headbands and bought them. We went home and made paper roses and covered the headbands in pretty ribbon and here is my finished product a very pretty headband. I think I'm going to start making these to sell them I just have to figure out where. I was thinking etsy then I was thinking craft fairs, but I don't want to pay for a spot and then waste my weekend at a craft fair, so its still up in the air on where exactly they will be sold, but while I think about it I will start making an inventory.
Very nice Ginger. I can see my grandaughters with these in their hair. I think you will be able to sell them.