Well yesterday evening I spent some time at my local stamp store Stampassion and did some creating. It was a wonderful evening that got me out of the house for a couple of hours and allowed me to visit with some friends (old and new). And by old I mean friends I have only known for a year or so but couldn't imagine life without now. Now normally when I visit the ladies for LFBC I don't get much done. I use it as a social time and get easily distracted by all the goodies in the store, but last night was an unusual evening I guess. I completed 2 LFB pages. One for my self you can see on the left and one for a trade the one below. The theme for the trade was Valentine's day and we had to include three inchies from other artist. I find it fun to create a two part trade. Something different. I'm always looking for something different it keeps me creating.
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