
Friday, August 31, 2018

It's been awhile

I haven't been here in quite some time.... Life got in the way I guess.  I do think of my blogging days often and would like to get back to it maybe it is time.  So why not update you all (whoever even wants to read this, probably no one).  So I graduated graduate school with a Master's in Special Education and a certificate in Literacy, I am teaching full time at a private school, I gained another dog Stitch my giant clumsy German Shepherd (if I do in fact stick to this you will see him often), in my most recent and exciting (and frustrating at the same time) news I bought a house! A lot of big life moments have happened while I've gone.  A new house means a new work in progress craft room.  I'm pretty excited to share it, but it still needs a few things before I can post pictures.

So I guess I should give a little back story.  About 8 or so years ago my dad purchased him family's land from his sister it had 4 home on it, we moved on to it into one homes until another house was vacated so we moved into that one and rented the one we lived.  Then my aunt moved in with her kids so my brother and his family moved in and then last year the 4th home came to be empty and needing major repair (as it was the only original house on the property), so we opted to ripped it down and I started the process of looking at homes to put in its place.  At first I was going to buy a used home, but the cost and the headache of renovating I opted to just bite the bullet and buy new.  I found the perfect 3 bedroom home for myself and my herd of animals and went forward.  It was a long back breaking process and for all involved but especially my parents.  They put in long days in all the prep work.  I know it was especially hard on my Dad because the home that we tore down was he last remaining piece of my grandparents (it was his childhood home).  I found the process difficult because it wasn't the life I imagined for myself.  At 35 I found myself newly single and doing it on my own.  I went through the mourning process of my the life I planned.  I imagined myself getting married, buying home with a partner or moving in with them and building our life together.  But that wasn't in God's plan for me.  And at this very moment I'm completely okay with it.  I am learning to take each day as it comes.  There might not be a long term goal at the moment, but that's okay.  I get to watch my niece and nephew grow up, spend time with my sometimes frustrating herd ( I say that as Patches is licking a soup can clean she took out of the garbage...), enjoy lots of alone time (which means craft time or mindless tv time), no one to clean up after, and I can come and go as I please. Life is good! I hope to make more time for blogging, sharing inspiring things.  See you soon ( I hope)