
Thursday, August 8, 2013

As usual..

The summer was not a very crafty time. Other than work of course and even that felt a tad stifled this year. But I did a few fun things with the kids. Amazingly enough I really didn't use as much string as I did last year.

So what did I do this summer? planned my card classes as always.  Continued my crazy doll collecting habits. monster high dolls are what I am currently collecting.  The company in charge of cabbage patch kids bored me. More of the same stuff over and over. I will probably get this year's 30th anniversary doll but only 1 cause I'm out of space. It's time to purge a few.  
Any way back to crafting.  This week I made my nephew a fishing pole for his male monster high "action figures" lol. I give him extra boys I find because he is very interested in my collection and they fit in his cars that he pushes around. My dad didn't like him playing with a ken doll. But he seems okay with the monster high dolls (probably cause they are "monsters")
I found the instructions on YouTube a user named myfroggystuff. She has great instructions.  

The next thing I made last night and that was a tshirt "necklace" I found the instructions on Pinterest. They are super easy to make. 
I made myself a pink one from a shirt I got at the Salvation Army. Then this morning I made this one:
In red and tie dye yellow to wear to this years red knights convention. I used a shirt I just got at kohls but raven ripped a hole in and a shirt I tie dyed at work last year and haven't worn.  I think it would have been cooler with some black mixed in but I think it came out cute. I might make another one to sell. We will see. I'm not sure what I'm up to next craft wise. The next couple weeks are going to be busy. We have a big ride on Saturday. It's going to be an emotional day it's the first and final ride for Karen (someone I truly considered family) she was the best example of a strong woman I have ever seen. Nothing got her down... I'm sad she passed but I know she still with us. And Saturday is going to be hard.
The red knight convention is coming up in Vermont a lot of my chapter will be there I'm pretty excited to go blow off some steam and hangout with my awesome family and ride! We are suppose tour Vermont teddy bear factory and Ben and Jerry's along with a bunch of other stuff. It should be fun. Then I come home and it's back to the grind of classes. I'm looking forward to it this year I'm taking classes with two of my favorite teachers and so far the books are looking pretty good and useful. I'm nervous about the work load but I think I'll be okay. Then September will be here and the little kids will begin school which means work phone calls will start. I had a dream I was getting calls already lol. I can't believe summers almost over. Well I hope you all are able to craft and have fun.