
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

ahh I hate when I can't find what I'm looking for

So I downloaded all my pictures from my phone on to my computer because well....they take up sooooooo much space and I take like a million pictures of nothing...well not nothing there is my adorable nephews yea that's right I said nephews we welcomed a new little one into the world two week ago now. He share a birth month with me which is always fun.  So anyway back to the pictures I was looking through my photos and can't find the card pictures I was looking for OF COURSE! so its either still on my phone or my ipad so I will have to post from either of those.  But for the moment to 1 take my mind off all my homework that I have to get done and 2 to tide you all over till next post here is my new hair of course its new old hair.  I have had it for over a month or two and have had it trimmed once already, but I think I like it! Some days it drive me nuts but so did my long hair.  Well its back to the grind homework is calling my name...actually I'll probably just watch TV and catch up on facebook for the rest of the night.