So today I took a small moment out to take this adorable picture of my little Archer sleeping in the cage. I love how lazy he is, typically I will put him in the cage and he just flops into a postion and that is how he sleeps. He is such a goof and good natured boy. He gave me my first kiss today. I got a little kissy on the tip of my nose too sweet he is. So anyway today was family friends birthday so I made this card and envie. Not too bad for not having made a card in awhile. I also finished up a LFB page for a Vintage Room Swap. The theme was Story book and the only reason I did the swap was because I receive an awesome Alice in Wonderland stamp for my birthday. It is funny how one minute I am not inspire by a theme and the next I'm rushing to get it done. I guess its cause I'm a procrastinator. lol
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
I took a moment out today for some photography and creating
So today I took a small moment out to take this adorable picture of my little Archer sleeping in the cage. I love how lazy he is, typically I will put him in the cage and he just flops into a postion and that is how he sleeps. He is such a goof and good natured boy. He gave me my first kiss today. I got a little kissy on the tip of my nose too sweet he is. So anyway today was family friends birthday so I made this card and envie. Not too bad for not having made a card in awhile. I also finished up a LFB page for a Vintage Room Swap. The theme was Story book and the only reason I did the swap was because I receive an awesome Alice in Wonderland stamp for my birthday. It is funny how one minute I am not inspire by a theme and the next I'm rushing to get it done. I guess its cause I'm a procrastinator. lol
Monday, April 19, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Year of lfb project and a possible Bird butterfly, and bee atc
Well I know I have been away for awhile, but I have been busy with a project I came up with. 12 women have come together to create 12 LFB pages for their said month. My month is February and I have been struggling to complete it. Ideas have been bouncing around in my brain and I have tried a few times to get something out, but nothing I loved happened. Until now finally I have complete something I'm proud of. The first side is for Valentine's day of course the one major holiday that everyone thinks of when they think of February. The other side is decicated to the Friendship that the women in the group and I share. I thought it was fitting and February is also "National Friendship month". The Quote I used says "A friend loves at all times" of course loves be came a heart and a "s". I have never done a project before where I had to make so may pieces at the same time. Boy was is kind of time consuming, but in the long run I think the final product is totally worth it.
Here is something else I did today. A theme for the month of May is "Birds, Bees, and butterflies" at the vintage room. I just started this project and I'm not sure if this is the completed project yet, but we will see.